Ultra-ventilated and rich in natural trace elements, this pink kaolin clay gently refines your skin’s texture to bring out its natural glow and leave it feeling surprisingly soft.
Recommended for sensitive skins
How to use
In a small glass or wooden dish, add 2 to 3 dessertspoons of pink clay to a little mineral or floral water. Leave to stand for a few minutes. Let rest for a few instants. Mix well with a wooden spoon to obtain a creamy, smooth paste.
FACE: Apply a thick layer of the clay, even around the eyes. Leave for 10 minutes. When clay meets water, it takes on new life:to preserve its virtues, moisten it as much as necessary. Cleanse with lukewarm water dry thoroughly. Apply ARGILETZ moisturising* cream.
*Upper layers of the epidermis.
HAIR: Spread evenly over the scalp. Leave for 10 to 15 minutes. Rinse, then apply the Argiletz shampoo best suited to your hair (normal, dry or oily).
BATH: Dilute a 200 g sachet of pink clay in the bath water. You can add a few drops of essential oils of your choice. Relax for 20 mins. rinse with clear water. Your skin will feel wonderfully supple and soft.